About Us

The Story Behind The Staple Crew.

On a road trip to Texas for a crypto seminar, we decided to create our on Youtube channel and find a community of people that shared not just a passion from crypto, but a passion about how connected we all are, and our desire find solutions that can potentially help ALL people. Allan has taken the charge with his passion for crypto and his life experience to create interesting videos and stories to help wrap you mind around big concepts. The guy is also a good chat if you get a chance! Brent will be sharing more about all the books and resources he has found and enjoyed in the space – oh and for those who dig the woo, we got some healing stories coming for you! 

Check out this new podcast to learn more about the Crew!

A document with a short head

Meet Your Hosts

AKA – Woo Woo Daddy, Captain Al, and Firewalker. 

Allan has had the opportunity to wear many awesome hats in his life. Yacht captain, ski instructor, fly fishing guide, investor, and farmer – just to name a few. We know him as husband, father, and friend. He has a deep passion for crypto and a wonderful appreciation for life. He lives with his wife, Elizabeth, on their farm in California. 



AKA – The B-man, Swab, Swabby

 Brent has also been lucky enough to wear many amazing hats in his life. EMT, caregiver, deckhand on yachts and cruise ships, mail courier, and writer. He has a deep love and appreciation for people and this amazing world we get to enjoy. He lives on the Central Coast of California. 


What People Say

“I love this guy. He's genuine, not peddling anything to line his own pocket. I believe he's honest and has a high level of something many people in this world sell for a buck, and that is, Integrity! A solid man with a bunch of interesting stories about his journey through this thing-a-ma-jig we call life. Definitely worth a like and a follow.”
- Jim H.
“Thank you for being a genuine, stand up guy... we've had years of lies and corruption and abuse in the XRP army, it's been hard. To hear something from a genuine source is inspiring and gives us all hope that's what we believe, will come to pass. THANK YOU!”
- Hope
“I sincerely appreciate and identify with your outlook and have quickly come to love your content. As an older crypto investor, I believe patience to be my most valuable asset... Thank you and please keep up the excellent work.”
- Michael K.
“I really enjoy your content. You seem very genuine and that seems to be a difficult thing for people today. Just being completely comfortable in your skin and pasionate about something, it's a very liberating feeling. I imagine these videos are pretty special to you. You have a great presence about you and you are a very gifted story teller. I sit here watching like a kid looking up at his hero. Looking forward to your future videos. Keep up the good work and let's go XRP and FLR. Lots of exciting news coming soon.”
- The Crypto Layman
“Allen, I wanted to share with you how important and impactful, I believe your channel is for our community... Your message allows all of us to think for ourselves, challenge narratives and most important, be confident in your convictions, if they are well researched... and don't let anyone sway or influence your convictions, even the ones who love us most! Awesome Stuff!”
- Tom
“Glad I found your channel, what a down to earth and great guy. Keep it up and can't wait to watch more of your videos. Thank you Sir, XRP family all the way!”
- Scott H.